It is easily fitted to the exterior of each workers hard hat
Securely stores their critical and potentially lifesaving ID information essential in the event of a serious accident or medical emergency
The LATEST VERSION of our WSID-01 features new Emergency Design that utilizes the internationally recognized Star of Life medical symbol
The waterproof ID card has also been improved to increase the amount of information stored to further strengthen the function of this Hard Hat ID in use
Our Worker Safety Hard Hat ID (WSID-01) is very versatile and can also be fitted to clothing and other work equipment such as a harness , reflective vest etc
It is very durable and can withstand extended use in extremes of heat and cold
This worker safety product is a perfect solution to assist in the essential work of pro-active health & safety officers in all helmet wearing industries such as construction , oil & gas , mining , heavy industry , railways and utilities
Dimensions: 70mm x 15mm (approx.2.75 x 0.5)
Weight: Less than 5 grams
Reflective: Features 3M Scotchlite Reflective Material.100% Waterproof
Secure - Keeps important information safe
Helmet Safe Adhesives used
Cost Effective - A low cost safety solution
Vital ID
Saturn Yellow
Industry Sector
Automotive, Construction, Mining, Oil and Gas, Rail